Madrid For Refugees

English course – RefuTeach

Madrid For Refugees offers refugees, asylum seekers and migrants the opportunity to take free English classes in reduced groups of up to six students through the RefuTeach program. These classes are taught by native English volunteers. Thanks to the small class sizes, we get to offer highly personalized classes that focus on building up students’ practical language skills. Our users will emerge from the three-month course with more confidence in their language skills. Rewarding for teachers and invaluable for students, these employment-oriented English courses are an essential part of our work at Madrid For Refugees.

Students are accepted to the course following nominations from partner refugee organizations and an interview process.


The RefuTeach project was born as an interdisciplinary Action-Research initiative that seeks to explore, from pedagogical practice and the design of didactic materials, new and unique classroom contexts, such as those that welcome students who come from migratory contexts (refugees and applicants and beneficiaries of international protection). Our approach is based on creating spaces of integrity and empathy in the teaching-learning processes, offering tools of intercultural support and transversal training to the teachers of these groups. To do this, we have started our journey with the design and implementation of language courses with a specific methodology for refugees, with an approach aimed at responding to a sensitivity and a complex problem. There are several studies that point to the structural divergence that this group has in educational contexts, in particular in relation to the diversity of an axiomatically plural and heterogeneous student body, as well as referring to the crises of meaning that refugees display on traditional teaching material Foreign Language (LE), which is subject to deep imbalances and insolvencies.

RefuTeach Team

Dulcinea Tomás Cámara, PhD
Refuteach Coordinator
Gloria Chamorro, PhD
Refuteach Coordinator
Laura Turner, PhD Candidate
Refuteach Coordinator
Annabelle LaFond
Hannah Suarez
Christine Carvalho
Luisa Graden