71% of customers say they would lose trust in a brand that places profits before people, especially during the COVID-19 crisis. This is just one of the reasons why Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives are becoming increasingly important in the current landscape. A company’s involvement in the community has been shown to encourage positive organizational growth, increased trust in the community and employee support for the organizational mission.
Being a socially responsible company and investing in the integration and empowerment of the local refugee and migrant community can bolster your company’s image and build your brand. This can improve customer loyalty, increase employee engagement and satisfaction, and even attract talent and resources.
Why Madrid For Refugees (MFR)?

Founded in 2015, Madrid For Refugees (MFR) is a non-profit, volunteer-run organization dedicated to helping and empowering those in the local community who are: individuals who find themselves with refugee status, as well as asylum seekers, stateless people, and migrants in need of international protection and/or at risk of social exclusion.
Over the years, MFR has directly supported over 2800 refugees and migrants, 440 refugees have completed training courses and over 230 volunteers have supported MFR’s work. MFR focuses on improving social integration and employability through classes, workshops and training for refugees (in digital literacy, languages, coding, and job seeking, among others), donations of essential items, awareness-raising initiatives, social intervention, and a refugee support network.
MFR has built an excellent track record with 6 years as a well-respected volunteer non-profit organization, reaching a socially conscious international community with a strong presence in the English-speaking community. Your organization could become part of our growing network of partner organizations.
MFR’s newsletter has 2,000 subscribers and social media accounts with over 7,000 followers and growing. MFR’s audience reaches well beyond Madrid—the top 5 countries in our audience are Spain, the US, the UK, France, and Germany. MFR leads SEO search results for: Madrid refugees, Madrid migrants, asylum seekers Madrid.
MFR also has a database of qualified refugees and migrants seeking employment which could provide an attractive pipeline of talent for your company, while supporting your company’s diversity and inclusion initiatives.
MFR Programs for CSR partnerships
MFR provides training and educational courses to foster integration and employability. These courses, offered free of charge to refugees and migrants, are taught by professional volunteer teachers in small groups of up to six students. MFR currently offers English for employment, digital literacy and coding courses, as well as employment and job search workshops. Students are nominated from partner refugee organizations.
MFR also organizes the collection and delivery of donated essential items in collaboration with refugee families, Madrid-based refugee welcome centers, and internationally recognized NGOs.
Sustainable Development Goals
The Sustainable Development Goals provide a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. The Goals are an urgent call for action by all countries—developed and developing—in a global partnership. Collaboration between the private sector and civil society play a key role in achieving the SDGs!
MFR’s work contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals:
Visibility opportunities for your company
Depending on the level of involvement, there are many opportunities for your organization to showcase its positive social impact, including:
- Press releases, articles and blog posts about your involvement
- Company logo on MFR’s front page
- Use of MFR’s logo on your media
- Social media promotion
- Dedicated web page about your involvement
- Joint media opportunities
- Potential opportunities to collaborate with other MFR partners
How to collaborate
A CSR partnership with MFR could involve a standing philanthropic financial sponsorship of MFR programs or drives to collect materials used in our community support initiatives. It could also mean leveraging your team’s expertise to enhance the programs we run and participating in volunteer opportunities in the community.
- Sponsoring our courses
- Offer potential employment/internship opportunities or mentoring to users
- Donating company products or services
- Hold a donation drive to collect materials used in our community support initiatives
- Potential volunteer opportunities
Contact us
If you are interested in a partnership with MFR, please contact us at info@madridforrefugees.org.